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\\I just beautiful me



Assalamualaikum. With master of humble tone, thank you for visiting.

Make up by : Fieshah Nozlee
Skin was made by : MieyAzila
Icon : Zieyra
Song : Potret by Akim&TheMajistret

❤ Fieshah's Bloggie ❤
Friday, December 5 0 Hungry Monster
Hmm lets me think what to story haa?  Oh yaa, since I'm a girl so how about if we talk about make up. Muahahaha. Mohon lelaki stay away from here. *Girl territory.

Okay, pisha cuma tahu make up mata je since pisha ada bad allergy dengan barang-barang mekap nie. Salah pakai foundation ke, sun block ke, bedak kompak ke je mesti naik tompok-tompok putih. Dah 4 tahun but tak pernah sembuh. Doktor cakap the first stage of skin cancer since terlalu exposed dengan matahari then terus parents tak benarkan sukan outdoor. *Bajet macam atlet padahal memang tak suka pun berjemur. HAHAHAHA. Never mind.

Here we go, a few photos I stole from the twitter.  Good luck.